Friday, 28 August 2015



March 1998, Newcastle College I found your website of great  interest as I suffer from Acne Roseacea.
Having suffered for seven years, I  heard of Aloe Vera and decided to take it. The effect was immediate. Within days  my skin condition eased greatly. I am very much a healthier  person now that I am taking Aloe Vera. Many thanks. Extract from Anne  Bulcraig's

Asthma Testimonial
I must also mention my skin, which has always  been, I felt, rather spotty & grotty. People have started to ask me if I'm  using a new make-up. I'm not. The ALOE HEAT LOTION is fantastic. It's the only moisturizer that's really worked on me  and made a visual difference. Also, the ALOE VERA GELLY is brilliant for spots. One tiny dab and the spot heals quickly  without leaving a mark.

My daughter Lydia has  many allergies. She has a very poor appetite. She also found it difficult to  sleep. She was always sick and had to take a lot of antibiotics. I was also  worried about the amount of steroids she was
taking.  On the 25th April I  started Lydia on Aloe  Vera Gel and
Bee  Propolis. She was taking one ounce four
times per day and two Bee Propolis a  day.The first week she had diarrhea and cramps in her stomach. Jennifer  suggested we cut the amount of Gel down to 4 teaspoons a day, so I did and by  the third week she was great. She hadn't had an attack of asthma and she was  sleeping all night, her appetite has improved and her allergies. I am really  delighted with the products as I was nearly going out of my mind with her. The  difference in the child is great, her stomach is in perfect condition and her  health has improved greatly. Lydia is a much more happy and healthy  child. Thanks to Forever Living Products.
Bernadette B.
For as long as I can remember I have had an allergic  reaction to smells, e.g. petrol, soap, soap powders,
bleach, perfume. If a room  had been sprayed with air freshener or fly killer, I could not go into the room  without coughing, sneezing and becoming very breathless. In fact I stayed away  from anything that had a strong smell. On
hearing that Aloe Vera had helped  others I decided to try it for myself. On 15th April 97, I purchased 2 litres of  Forever Living Products ALOE VERA GEL at lunchtime and at teatime I took 3 teaspoonfuls. Before going to  bed I had
cramps in my stomach; by lunch the next day my throat became very  sore. A cold sore had formed inside one nostril; this was nothing new if I  had used any of the things listed above, but I had not. I telephoned my  distributor to ask
if the Gel could work as quickly. She assured me it could. I  was advised to reduce the dose. I could not swallow anything for three days so I  stopped taking the Gel. After three days I started again slowly increasing the dose.
Ten days later I attended a presentation of FLP products. A friend who was with me lifted a deodorant stick and held it to my nose. She was astonished when nothing happened (no coughing or breathlessness). On 17th May I had a
consultation with David de Gernier who advised me to take 2 pollen tablets each day along with the Gel. After 3 weeks I was able to use all the things that I could not use before. I have really put FLP and myself to the test. After 49
years I can now use perfume for the first time with no ill effect. I should add my sense of smell is as acute as ever it was. Everyone who knows me is totally amazed at the change. I can recommend FLP with confidence.
Sandra S.

Animal Care
My nine-year-old dog has a case of eczema, which was being  treated by the vet with a steroid cream. I used two
tubes over four weeks with  no improvement whatsoever I was introduced to Forever Living Products and  tried the ALOE PROPOLIS CREAME .The eczema totally cleared up within two days.
Sandie  Bissett,  Sobenkel Kennels, Co. Dublin.

I have just discovered your site & would like to say  that I think it is superb! I have been taking Forever
Living Product’s aloe vera  gel & more recently,FOREVER FREEDOM aloe gel for about 3 months as I was told it might improve the  arthritis I had developed in my right knee. All my doctor had advised me was to  take painkillers & gentle exercise. I noticed a difference in 3 weeks &  3 months on I am no longer experiencing the daily pain or morning stiffness or the difficulty in climbing the stairs. In fact, I am back to exercising at the gym 3 times a week! About 6 weeks ago I also started giving the gel to my Jack Russell, Candy who had been diagnosed as having arthritis in her rear right  knee – she had to be carried everywhere, not even being able to manage the back  doorstep, let alone the stairs! Now she has her bounce back & is joining us  with our other dog for daily walks again on the beach. Another benefit to this  is the avoidance of a recommended operation which would have cost £400! From 5pm  in the evening she pesters me until she has been given her daily dose of Forever  Freedom aloe gel – a dog’s instinct maybe in knowing what
is good for  her? We have both also in the last couple of weeks started using a new  Forever Living Product ALOE MSM GEL, which gets rubbed in daily, so far, so good – the 2 together seem  to be a great combination!
I must say that, generally, I feel better overall  as a result of taking this daily tonic – I bore this out, having gone on holiday  for a week & forgetting the gel, not only did my knee start playing up  again, but I didn’t have the same amounts of energy or general feeling of  wellness until I returned & got back to my “daily dosage” again. I have also  for the last
couple of years suffered quite badly from sinusitis and am, in  fact, awaiting an operation. Before taking aloe vera, every cold I got would  develop into sinusitis & require anti-biotic, now, although I have had a  couple of colds
they have not been as severe and required no medication.
My  mother is now taking the ALOE VERA GEL daily and using the gelly externally hoping to help a rare  condition she has called necrobiosis lipoidica. I will let you know how she gets  on with it.
I hope this might be of some help to any others who have  experienced the pain of arthritis.
Regard Karen Russell   

Hello I am Jackie Brown, from Easley, SC. I have been drinking the ALOE VERA JUICE about seven years now. I have arthritis real bad in my body. I  have no pain nor swelling if I drink the aloe juice. I have conducted many tests  to see if I was fooling myself about this juice. If I quit drinking the juice,  within a week, my knees swell, hands swell, and I have terrible pain. I cannot  even walk when this occurs. Then, I start back drinking the juice and every  symptom goes away.
I am known for my preaching of this product. I tell everyone  I know and believe me... I know what I am talking about. My arthritis is so bad  that sometimes I have to drink an extra dose to keep the pain down. My father  had this disease.
Most people think I am nuts but me and my aloe vera knows... I  wish the medical field would let this information out to their patients.. of  course, they would not have jobs very long. I guess that is why the drug  companies do not even go
there.  They want to sell their expensive drugs that  kill you eventually.
Thanks for lreading...Jackie Brown 63 years old  female

I have been suffering from arthritis for some time in my  neck, shoulders, knees and joints. I learned
about ALOE HEAT LOTION and Aloe Vera Gel - by taking the Gel and applying the Heat  Lotion to the
affected areas I found instant relief from pain. This lotion is  applied liberally and as often as required. I also found by applying the Heat  Lotion to my chest I was getting rid of an awful lot of phlegm. I would have  been bothered with my chest from time to time, but this lotion is really an  instant relief from soreness or pain.
Agnes Henry.

At the beginning of January 1996 I decide to try ALOE HEAT LOTION treatment for arthritis in my knees.
I applied it twice a day and after a while, as well as helping my arthritis it was also clearing up eczema which I had on my left leg.Later I got Aloe Vera Gel which I took orally and am now taking an egg cupful once a day. The Gel is also helping my arthritis and has given me much relief, e.g. walking up inclines, etc., which was difficult for me before. I feel my health is generally much better.I would recommend this treatment to anyone suffering the same complaints as me.W.T.
I suffered from arthritis in my two hands and in my neck. I was introduced to theALOE VERA GELand decided to try it, having nothing to lose within the 60 day money back guarantee if it didn't work. About two weeks later the pain got much worse but I was told to continue with it as this was a sure sign it was working. I did and a few days later I was pain free. Maureen.
I regularly suffer from Athlete's foot and I find it most uncomfortable and terribly hard to clear on some occasions. My foot becomes quite painful and inflamed. During one episode I applied ALOE VERA GELLYto the inflamed areas. In under a week the inflammation had almost totally disappeared and there was certainly no pain or discomfort.
Matthew Wright.

In my job I spend long periods on my feet. I also have an old sports injury in my knee. I told my Doctor of the pain in my right knee –he told me that I needed the cartilage removed. My son (who is a Distributor for FLP) recommended I try the FORVER FREEDOM and the Heat Lotion. I also took the ARCTIC SEA capsules and within six weeks, I noticed mobility returning to the knee. It was less stiff and I could walk for longer periods.  Four months later, I am now pain-free because of the FOREVER FREEDOM GEL. Thank You Patrick Maher.  Dublin Age 62

Arthritis and IBS
I have been suffering from Arthritis for the last 18 months. I like walking and cycling but found it painful to do either. My Doctor said it was normal wear and tear but I did not accept this. I started taking the FORVER FREEDOM GEL
and the Essentials and after a month I noticed that my knee wasn’t painful after a long walk. Six months later there is no pain and I can pretty much do what I like! Another great bonus is I also suffered from IBS for a number of years and since taking the Freedom all traces have disappeared Brigid Hughes.    Dublin 7 Age 61
Asthma - Sinusitis
At the age of 7 my daughter developed asthma and sinusitis. The years that followed were filled with pain and anguish. We removed the carpet from our home and got rid of stuffed animals. Diana was put on Albuteral, Intal and Prednisone. These drugs, like many others, have horrible side effects. Holidays were spent in hospital rooms. School days were spent at home. She would watch other children play outside from the window. She walked around like a zombie. Years went by and her condition grew more serious. Diana’s doses increased. It was as if she did not even have a life.
Finally, I asked the doctor, “When is Diana going to stop taking this medicine? “Never,” was his cold response.
I do not blame the doctors. Most just do what they are told. They are not taught to explore permanent cures.
Well, you should never tell a mother her only daughter will be sick all of her life. I went on a rampage of research trying alternative methods from all over the world. When I was ready to give in, I tried one more remedy. I was persuaded
to try a remedy witBEE POLLENand ALOE VERA.Diana and I used it half-heartedly. There was an immediate response. I purchased the entire remedy. Slowly we replaced the “traditional” treatments until she was completely off of them. Natural remedies did not just attack a symptom; they boosted Diana’s immune system to fight its own battles. I was never able to look at her run in cross-country running meets. I was so afraid for her. She went from a girl who could not laugh hard for fear of an asthma attack, to a competitive runner with strong lungs. She still hates Christmas time and has
trouble talking about her experience. To her, Christmas is a time spent in a hospital room. Diana, the university freshman, now has a normal life.  Hilda S.  San Antonio, TX
Athlete's Foot
I had Athlete's Foot for approximately two years. It was a bright red patch over two toes, which got angry when it came into contact with water. I regularly sprayed ALOE FIRST   onto my foot and after a couple of months it cleared up. I was
delighted with the results.   Paul Wright, Glengormley, 20th Nov. 1996.
Back Pain
For over a year now I have had some pain in the lower part of my back, after hurting it at work. Medication from my doctor didn't seem to work. A couple of weeks ago my back was worse than normal, so I decided to try ALOE HEAT LOTION. Within two days it had improved. I continued to use the heat lotion and it really relieved my back pain. So far I have not had any pain since. I also use the Toothgel, which cured my bleeding gums. Since using Aloe
Toothgel I would not go back to using any other toothpaste. I also take 40 ml of Aloe Gel for good health. I was so impressed with the products I decided to join the business.    Christine Carlisle.
Back Pain
In July 1996 I began to experience backache. Tablets prescribed by my GP didn't ease the pain and I felt nauseous when taking them. On completing the course, ALOE HEAT LOTION from the Forever Living Products range was recommended to me. After using the heat lotion for only two to three weeks the discomfort was eased significantly and following further use the pain was gone completely. I certainly would not hesitate to use other products from the range, perhaps even before trying medication prescribed by my GPA.M.S. Evans, Templepatrick.
Back Pain
Over the past 15 years I have been suffering from severe back pain. It originated from a fall in the cold weather and is very painful. I have also developed arthritis in the right shoulder and right arm over the years. I have purchased numerous rubs and painkillers, but have only got partial relief. Approximately 3 months ago my neighbor, Belinda Anderson, introduced me to a product called ALOE  I have been using it constantly; to say I'm getting relief is an understatement. It is not to say I will be 100% cured but I found that by the use of this FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS that great relief is possible James Hutchinson, Coleraine.
Back Pain

ALOE VERA GELLY has helped my back problem very much. I have had a muscular back
problem for about 7 years and it was getting gradually worse, until I was in pain and unable to move freely every couple of weeks. The Gelly has taken this away almost completely since July 1996 (4 months ago) Karen Boyd.

Back Pain
With having been troubled with backache, I always attended physiotherapists and chiropractors. I had been to a chiropractor three times inside five months and getting no relief. A friend introduced me to ALOE VERA GEL in June 1996. My back then improved as I got relief from the constant ache. I hurt my back quite badly again in October 1996 due to
lifting a heavy obstacle. After spending a day in bed, I then contacted the Naturopath who told me to take a very hot bath in dried mustard. I had to then apply ACTIVATOR  and ALOE HEAT LOTION with a flannel next to my skin. The instant relief was miraculous. The pains stopped piercing down my legs. I was immediately able to resume my normal duties. I am so thankful to God for producing Aloe Vera and I am now a distributor getting many good results.
Edith McCurdy.
Bleeding Gums
I was introduced to Forever Living Products in August. I have used
FOREVER BRIGHT TOOTHGEL  ever since and I find it very good. As I always suffered from bleeding gums no matter what toothpaste I used, I find now that this has stopped since using Aloe Vera. I also find my teeth to be whiter I have also useALOE GELALOE HEAT LOTION,ALOE LIPS  and ALOE GELLYand find them all very good. I would recommend Forever Living Products to my friends K. Carlisle, Templepatrick.
Brittle Hair
I used to have very coarse, brittle hair. I also used to have problems finding a shampoo that didn't cause a reaction to my face if it should get on to the skin. Now ALOE JOJOBA SHAMPOO and
CON DITIONER  have a permanent home in our
bathroom! Julia O'B.

Once while using a cutting torch on a (molten red hot) section of pipe I cut to be lowered on a rope spun around allowing it to melt on contact a round section of my forearm (very unpleasant and painful). The caretaker of the boiler we were disassembling cut a peace of ALOE to squeeze on my burn the pain subsided within two hours and to this day I have no scar on a wound that should have branded me for life. I have kept an aloe vera plant in my home ever since.
A believer. Paul Davis
”A few weeks ago I was lighting my gas oven when it blew up due to escaping gas. My face and hair were badly burnt. One side of my face was very red and raw from the flames. I sent for my friend, Jacqueline Hennesey, a distributor with
Forever Living Products and she advised me to spray the ALOE FIRST on the burn every few minutes for the first hour or two then regularly for three days. I did this and was amazed that I suffered absolutely no pain from the burn and the swelling and redness went away very quickly. I also had two scars were my hair had burnt into my face. I started to apply the ALOE VERA GELLY to these on the third day and very soon the marks were barely noticeable. I would highly recommend Forever Living Products to anyone and feel the aloe First should be in everyone's first aid cabinet.  Anne K.


“At my place of work I quite often need to use a gas torch. On one particular occasion I got rather badly burned on my hand, this was extremely painful. Applying ALOE GELLY notably dulled the pain and several applications helped the burn
to heal much faster than expected.  One weekend my lips were extremely chapped and broken and giving much discomfort. After applying Aloe Gel an ALOE LIPS I was very impressed with how quickly the problem was alleviated. Matt.

“One evening I was working in our kitchen and accidentally put my hand on a hot hob and scorched my fingertips. Immediately they came up white and lumped. As soon as possible I dipped them in a glass of ALOE VERA GEL After five minutes I nearly had forgotten why my hand was in the glass.”  Matthew Wright.

One of the many testimonies I have is when my husband was burnt at 11:30 am one Saturday morning. He was burning a black plastic sack of rubbish when an aerosol can inside exploded, covering him in melted plastic, his face, neck and hands were red raw and some of the plastic was stuck to his skin. I sprayed on the ALOE FIRST repeatedly, after about 10 minutes when the pain and swelling had gone I applied some ALOE GELLY, by 5 p.m. that evening there was absolutely no sign of redness or swelling, in fact the only proof we had that it happened were the clothes he was wearing at the time. Incidentally I still have them, the plastic never came off, even after two washes.
Score Aloe Vera 10/10, Daz 0/10.Deirdre R.

Earlier this year I purchased some ALOE FIRST  for burns. Since using this product I have found it to be very
effective for treatment of burns and have now ceased using all other brand products. On occasions when we had to use Aloe First, we found it to be fast-acting and long-lasting. It also proved to speed the healing process of the
burn thus not allowing the skin to blister and therefore reducing the pain of the wound Gavin Murphy, Kitchen Manager, Killyhelvin Hotel, Enniskillen.

My daughter, Amy, aged 2 years, touched an open oven door, still very hot, as I had just taken some baking out. She screamed with pain as her little fingers were burnt. I grabbed the ALOE FIRST  spray which is always on hand in the kitchen, and sprayed her fingers. She stopped screaming and crying immediately, and went off to play as if they were never burnt  Aloe First has wonderful pain-killing ingredients, as I've discovered through its use on myself and the children, for all sorts of purposes - burns, cuts, scrapes and insect bites .Julia O'B., Larne.

Cold Sores
“Up until June this year, I was troubled with cold sores on a regular basis. My boyfriend suggested that I try Aloe Vera. I started taking the ALOE VERA GEL twice a day, as well as using
ALOE LIPS and Aloe Toothgel. About two days after starting on the Aloe Vera I got a massive cold sore. At this point my faith in Aloe Vera completely disappeared. My boyfriend explained to me, however, that this could be the herpes virus so I reluctantly carried on taking the Aloe Vera. To my surprise my cold sore cleared up extremely quickly (it usually takes about 2 ?weeks). Then all through the summer I had no cold sores and I stopped taking the Aloe Vera about a month ago. One week ago I felt a cold sore threatening, so I quickly applied the Aloe Lips. This stopped it from developing any further and four days later it was gone. I have started taking the Gel again and also apply Aloe Lips three or four times daily. ”Julie Fenton, Ballymoney, 11th Nov. 1996.

Cold Sores
For as long as I can remember, I have suffered from cold sores. I have tried many prescribed treatments, but they have always returned. In September I was introduced to Forever Living Products. I purchased ALOE LIPS and I have been using this since. I am so glad to say that I have not had one single cold sore. I would have no hesitation in recommending this product to anyone Rachel F.

“I had suffered from Colitis for over a year. The symptoms I had were acute pain every morning followed by the necessity to dash to the toilet. I had diarrhea and constant niggly pains throughout each day and bleeding also. My
lifestyle was very restricted as the maximum time I could go out for was two hours, general and social activities were very difficult. Life was very restricted and worrying for me. I had put off going to the doctors as two friends of mine who also suffered from Colitis had little or no relief from the medications they were prescribed, and their lifestyles were very much restricted also. I was hoping it might just get better but the symptoms became much worse and I couldn't cope much longer without some help I was very skeptical but my daughter whose family are completely convinced of the benefits of using ALOE VERA persuaded me to try it for myself and assured me that it certainly wouldn't do me any harm or make me any worse than I was, so I reluctantly agreed to try it. She suggested I drink 1 fl oz three times daily to
clear my system very quickly. It was most definitely effective at clearing......I felt it was too effective at clearing me out......I already suffered from diarrhea and taking the Gel I felt the need to use the toilet even more frequently. She suggested it would be better to bear the frequency for a week or so until it settled down, she felt a faster detoxification would save me from having to endure all my symptoms for a longer time. However I felt more comfortable about a slower detoxification and decide to reduce the quantities. After three weeks of taking 1 fl oz per day, sipped at intervals, I began to receive some very positive results. The bleeding and diarrhea was intermittent and not so frequent, the pain was gone.
I drank a total of three (one litre) bottles over a three month period, and by that time all my symptoms were gone! I
was very happy. My daughter felt that if I had taken the suggested amounts I would have had all the results much sooner, but whatever, I was still very much relieved to be rid of all the unpleasantries.About two or three months later I had a slight remission but in no way as severe as I had prior to first taking Aloe Vera. I immediately requested a couple more bottles of Aloe Vera which I drank over a two month period. The symptoms quickly vanished and since that time in 1992 I have nit needed to request any more. I have been given a couple of bottles each time my son-in-law and daughter visit us a couple of times a year, as I firmly believe that prevention is better than cure and I know that it has completely enabled me to lead a normal and very active lifestyle once more FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS don't claim that Aloe Vera is very effective however I would recommend it to anyone. I was such a sceptic, about using Aloe Vera before, I wish I had started using it earlier. I would be happy to talk to anyone about it. Jean W.
I am 42 years old and have been taking ALOE VERA GEL from July 1996. Being a constant sufferer from constipation and
having tried all the various remedies from the chemist, I have found since taking Aloe Vera that the relief has been tremendous and I have become more regular and also suffer no side effects. Also, I am a shift worker, which has
contributed to my problem; and my general health has been much better since I started taking Aloe Vera. I don't feel as tired or get as many colds or flu at this time of year.  Pearl Archibald, Coleraine.

Damaged Hair
Question: A customer of mine had badly damaged her scalp and hair through frequent hair dye use.
What can you suggest?
Answer; The frequent use of hair dyes, particularly those containing hydrogen peroxide (a bleach) will lead to the blistering and damage of skin, breaking and killing of hair follicles, even baldness. As peroxide is absorbed easily through the skin, it can also cause toxicity in the blood stream and damage to the body's immune system. Where possible, people should use preparations which do not contain peroxide to dye their hair. These are becoming more available.
FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS which will help: the first is to use ALOE SHAMPOO and CONDITIONER to revive the dead hair. The best way to do this is to mix one teaspoon of ALOE ACTIVATOR with two tablespoons of conditioner, rub into scalp and hair
(roots only). Cover in a hot towel and leave on for 30 minutes then shampoo. Repeat 3 times a week. Take 2 tablespoons of Gel 3 times a day to assist with detoxification. Take I A-Beta-Care 3 times a day to boost the immune system, speed up healing and improve skin and hair. Use
ALOE FIRST on scalp, skin and hair to ease symptoms of itching, burning, skin or hair damage.
David de Gernier. 
For as long as I can remember I have always had a reaction to various fruits, vegetables and cleaning agents, on my hands. Wearing rubber or cotton gloves didn't help as the heat inside them would also irritate and
aggravate the skin. I could not wear silver, do household cleaning, cut or handle raw potatoes, onions, tomatoes, oranges, lemons or strawberries without having to pay the price.  My hands would blister, become red, sore, itchy and
eventually crack and bleed. In 1992 they became very bad. I tried various hand creams, often having a reaction to the creams themselves, and eventually prescription cortisone, which helped to keep it reasonably controlled but it
always take at least a week to start healing up. I decided to consistently use the
ACTVATOR AND PROPOLIS CREAM I stopped using my cortisone cream, Betnovate. For the first couple of days I was rather doubtful, but as I found immediate relief of the itching, I decided to persist. Within the first week I had total clearance. I use the Aloe Propolis cream every day now as a general hand care cream. It's a great first aid cream to have in the home and it's 'Forever' in use. I'd gladly
recommend both the Activator and the Propolis cream to anyone who is at their  'wit's end' with dermatitis.
Julia O'B. 

Diane Colman. June1997 Having been a diabetic for 26 years with the problems associated with this condition, loss of kidney function resulting in dialysis and later to my relief a kidney and pancreas transplant, making me since June 1993 insulin free. Although I am now no longer a diabetic I still have the damage that 26 years has done to my circulatory system. Thus I found myself in September of 1996. I had had a small blister on my toe and although I was keeping it clean and putting antiseptic cream on it, it did not seem to be healing. I had shown it to the Doctor but he said it was OK. One night I woke up with a tremendous pain in it and the next day went to the Doctors and was informed I has a bad infection in it and was put on an intensive course of Antibiotics. The toe improved slightly but, as soon as I stopped taking the pills it flared up again. So I was taken into Hospital for another course of Antibiotics, by this time I was on very strong pain killers. At the and of all this I was informed that the toe was Gangrenous and that I would either have to have it amputated or wait for the toe to drop off.

This was the news given to me the day before we went to Workshop for the weekend in March 1997 and it was on the return from that trip that the miracle occurred. We stopped at a Craft Fair in Sheffield and here we met Ken and Julie Johnson, they introduced me to the
ALOE PROPOLIS CREAM AND ALOE GELLY. I began using them straight away and immediately my husband saw a difference.
Within 2 weeks I was off the pain killers. Now 3 months later I can honestly say that my toe is back to normal. Whereas I could only walk a few yards, and that was in great pain. I am now back to walking on average 2 miles a night,
with no trouble.
In 1988 I began to feel generally unwell most of the time. I noticed increasingly a problem with thirst and tiredness. Blood tests showed nothing irregular but gradually the tiredness became exhaustion and the thirst increased. I also became prone to infections of various types and took many antibiotics. By 1990 the problem was becoming worse and one day in September 1992 I blacked out while teaching.  I was in hospital for almost three weeks at that time and many tests were done, including a water deprivation test, which meant not even a sip of water for 24 hours. By this time I was drinking 10-12 litres of water daily, so the test was severe. Blood and urine samples were taken every hour during the test, which was to see if the body was producing ADH. The test proved inconclusive and was repeated 48 hours later. A CT scan
showed there to be calcification on the pituitary and craniopharyngioma was diagnosed. I was told I had diabetes insipidus, which is a rare form of diabetes, not related to insulin. I was referred to the neurosurgeon who felt it best not to operate in the meantime but to have regular scans including an MRI. I was put on Desmospray twice daily which is an intranasal spray consisting of vasopressin. This stopped the excessive thirst problem. However, I started to become very bloated. The hospital put me on a low calorie diet but even with that and regular exercise I gained four stones in weight. Energy levels dropped and I began to have a lot of sickness and was now being treated for a problem with stomach lining (non-ulcerative). In December 1994 I was told by my doctors to stop my job as a music teacher. I was granted medical
retirement at the age of 34 but had no choice, as I was physically unable to cope. I was now on Desmospray, Zantac, beta-blockers and anti-depressants. My spirits were very low and my blood pressure was very high.

On June 1st 1996 a friend introduced me to
ALOE VERA GEL. I was very cynical about it and felt it couldn't be of any
real help, but by the end of the 2nd week I noticed a change - a higher level of energy and I'd lost a few pounds due to the detoxifying effect. I still thought it was a coincidence and didn't say to anyone as I felt the next day I'd be back
to square one. By the end of the 3rd week I was up 5-6 hours daily rather than 1-2. Each week showed real improvement in many ways. Many people told me I was looking so different. On 8th July I started taking
ROYAL JELLY AND GARLIC THYME.     On 9th August I went to Scotland to help cook at a youth camp. In September I started back to part-time teaching and am also doing 2 computing courses and a Christian counseling course. That along with the FLP is a full time job I can hardly believe the change in my whole body. I have lost the 4 stone I had gained and even the texture of hair and skin has improved greatly. I am now off all medication. My own GP is amazed at what has happened in the last few months.   Another important change is that I had very severe candida. I was attending hospital and had several courses of Lamasil and various creams. I was not permitted to put my hands in water; even washing hair had to be done wearing cotton-lined rubber gloves. My fingernails had stopped growing and several of them were just flaking off and dying due to the yeast fungus. I could not button up my clothes at times the pain in my fingers was so great. On July 11th I went to hospital to have my thumb nail removed. I was told it would not grow again and this was traumatic for me, as I am a pianist. I went on a heavier dose of GARLIC THME AND ALOE VERA GEL and a yeast-free diet and within two weeks my thumbnail began to change dramatically! There was no pain or irritation and the nail started to
grow again. In fact all my nails started to grow for the first time in years and I now have to file them often. The thumbnail is now as normal as it can be, having been disfigured but there is growth. Another miracle! So you can see why I am so excited about Aloe Vera!!  And then there are all the other people who I have watched start taking it, often cynically at the start and see how their quality of life has improved in various ways thanks to ALOE VERA!!
Rosemary Aiken, Co. Antrim.
Five weeks after giving birth to my son Joe I noticed spots on his forehead which spread down to his shoulders. Our Doctor diagnosed eczema.  Joe was now four months old and was prescribed steroid creams and balneum,
moisturizing cream.

By Seven months his face and neck were infected and he had scaly skin over his body. A friend suggested ALOE PROPOLIS CREAME. As a natural anti-biotic it appealed to me. We started using the Propolis with the steroids and noticed in a few weeks the infection on his face going down. After a month it had virtually gone and his skin was softer and less itchy.

When Joe was 11 months, we introduced the Aloe Berry Nectar drink and weaned him off the steroids. Joe is now three. We still use the Propolis and he has near-normal skin as well as being free from the distress of constant irritation Maggie Mutters, Age 36,Somerset, UK

Energy - Stress
To whom it may concern, I just want to write a few words to say how pleased I am since I've started using ALOE VERA PRODUCTS. I used to be very tired and stressed out all of the time. When I was introduced to Aloe Vera I was very skeptical about using it, but said, "what the hell, it can't make me any worse." So I did. I have been taking BEE POLLEN and drinking the ALOE VERA GEL for about 4 months now and have found great energy from these. I then went on to take ROYAL JELLYand found they calmed me. I would recommend these to anyone who feels like this as I've had great results.
Margaret Martin

Energy - Improved Health
I've taking ALOE BERRY NECTAR for about three weeks. Since taking it I feel the benefit of it, I have a lot more energy, and I feel that I am losing a lot of fluid, I am sleeping very well at night. I am also able to go out shopping now, as before I
didn't have the inclination nor the energy to do so. I have just started to take LYCIUM as I am troubled with Phlebitis and varicose veins. I was troubled with kidney and chest infections but the Gel has given me relief and I haven't had any bother since. I am 75 years of age and feel good. I would recommend FLP products to everyone.
Thank God for Forever Living Products.
Mary Rose Mc Inerney


Ear Problems
My two little girls both have glue ears and have been attending Craigavon Hospital on a regular basis, in fact every month. One of them also has a perforation for which she is going to need a skin graft. Their hearing was impaired. I started to use ALOE ACTIVATOR each night. When they had their monthly check-up, both ears had improved. The glue was drying up, their hearing was perfect and the perforation is beginning to heal.  The consultant was very impressed when I told him what I had used as one of the children had been prescribed Dimotane and couldn't take it as it made her very sleepy. Both these children love ALOE VERA and tell all their friends about it.
Maureen H.

Ear Problems
I had a bad ear ache so my cousin Clare put ACTIVATOR on a teaspoon and put it in my ear. It made my ear tickle a
bit, but it felt better in five minutes.  Thank you, Activator and cousin Clare.

As the mother of three young children, and the wife of a full time student, my life is very hectic, with lots of demands every minute of the day! I was interested in anything that would give me more energy—something
I never had enough of! I was constantly running out of steam throughout the day! That didn’t just put a toll on me, but my whole family as well! I’ve always been "nutrition conscious" and not given to fads that come and go. If anything, I’m skeptical! What attracted me to the FOREVER LIVING PROGRAM was its sensibility and overall good nutrition/health concept. I have low blood sugar and was especially interested in aloe vera to see if it could really help stabilize those highs and lows! I noticed a difference the very first week of using it! I couldn’t believe how bad it had been until I started feeling so much better! I had more stamina throughout the day. Also, because I wasn’t so tired and on edge, I was less short with the kids. I felt more on top of things. Also, after the kids went to bed, I actually had some energy and
motivation left for myself! This was an emotional boost. It’s been 4 1/2 weeks now, and I see several gradual changes besides the stabilizing of the blood sugar levels. My concept of food as fuel—not  just satisfying a hunger. My sweet intake is way down and I’m having much more success controlling those cravings. I just don’t  have the cravings as much. I’m also reading labels and know our fat consumption is greatly decreased.
I’m starting to see the benefit of that now too, losing some inches around my middle and my legs! The program hasn’t
been just for me, but the whole family too. Our snacks are better. The kids last through those stressful late afternoon hours better. This program is one I will follow for years to come! I’m convinced it’s superoir nutrition.sI feel better and look better. As far as preventive medicine is concerned, this program tops the list in staying healthy!
Shannon S. 

Ten years, at the age of 18, I developed epilepsy. Quite often at the time I was wakening up and there was a doctor standing over me. I was put on treatment and sent for an EEG. I was doing quite well for a while but after
the birth of my daughter I was back at square one again. I was having seizures all the time and tried all types of treatment. At this stage I was just about coping. I became pregnant again and reacted badly to the treatments.
My seizures were now so frequent I was having them in my sleep.

My medication was increased again. I was having 3 or 4 seizures a day with no quality of life at all.
I was
introduced to Forever Living Products to try the A LOE VERA GEL In just two weeks I had taken three seizures but now being on the ALOE GEL for the long term.I am seizure free.
Margaret Marley,Donegal

Eye Problems
In August I had to attend the eye clinic about a black spot in the field of vision in my left eye. The consultant informed me that it was a floater and that I would have to live with it. I decided to try ALOE ACTVATOR and so I began putting the Activator in the eye. After about two or three weeks I noticed that the black spot had totally gone.
Rose D.

It was evident after taking ALOE VERA GEL that I received a new level of energy from the product. I seem to have more
get-up-and-go now which has helped me in my own life and at work.
I intend to keep using this product for as long as live.
Mary Cathcart.
Fat Loss
When my normally healthy sixty-year-old mother was told she had high blood pressure due to her weight, I began to find out more about your program from a co-worker. My mom decided she would give FLP a try and within a few short weeks she not only lowered her blood pressure, but she looked and felt better. To date she has lost over 30 pounds and several inches of fat from your program. When I saw the results, and the energy my mom now had I decided to try the program myself. In only eight weeks I lost 12 inches of fat and had more energy to handle my full time job, attend college part time, and run a household for myself and my husband. Your "eating program"
is unlike any diet I have ever tried. It not only lets you eat all day long but you are eating real food. Thanks for your dedication and determination to make this program a reality for people like me.
Mickie M.

Fat Loss - Improved Health
Dear Forever Seagulls, I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am to have had the good fortune of discovering the
FOREVER LIVING PROGRAM ...As a Physical Education teacher (before becoming a Mother), and an avid
promoter of exercise, I’ve always prided myself on knowing how to eat properly, how to maintain a healthy
lifestyle, and how to control my weight. This, of course, didn’t mean that it was always easy. In fact, I’ve
been struggling with being overweight all my life. By the time I was 18, I had learned almost every fad diet there was, and the yo-yo syndrome on my metabolism had begun. Fortunately, I was blessed with some athletic ability; and my
involvement in competitive swimming and gymnastics led me to continue in the Physical and Health Education field at University. By learning more about how our bodies function, I know that lots of exercise with a relatively balanced
diet was the only way to live. This took discipline, and also included deprivation of food. What I didn’t
realize is that I wasn’t consuming enough calories in a day to provide all the nutrients that my body needed. Also, before FLP, I believed I had reached my ideal weight, and the I would just have to live with my "chunky" legs. I was absolutely thrilled when, after 3 or 4 weeks on your program, I had lost two inches from my hips and two
inches from my legs. That was a breakthrough for me! And not only that, at age 40, I feel better, lighter, healthier, and more energetic than I ever felt at age 20. In fact, most days I’m euphoric! I want to shout about this from the roof tops, because this program is REAL. It has real benefits. It’s not a magic trick. It’s safe and it’s easy. In a world full of big business, quick fixes, diet potions, and expensive gimmicks, finally there is Forever Living whose incredible wealth of knowledge in geriatrics; high standards; integrity; and most of all, beautiful gift of sharing is giving people a way to be healthy, not only in body, but in mind and spirit!!
Thank you so much!,
Susan B.

Fat Loss - Energy
“As you know, my background is in fitness and nutrition with a Bachelor of Science in adult Corporate Fitness from Abilene Christian University. I was skeptical at first of your program, so I decided to give it a try for 30 days to see if it
worked for myself and my clients. I was amazed with the results in just that short time period. Working 12-hour days as a personal trainer, my energy level was constantly low. Almost at once, I felt an increase in energy on starting the
Program. I also lost 10 pounds of body fat within the 30-day trial. Soon after having these positive results, I became pregnant. There is a history of the women in my family gaining 40 to 50 pounds during pregnancy. During my pregnancy
I gained only 23 pounds, and left the hospital with 18 of those pounds gone. I was amazed to be at my original weight within six weeks after having Clinton! My mother-in-law, Carmen, also had a miraculous success. Just before Christmas, she had her blood work done and found that her triglycerides were over 700 and her cholesterol was over 300. Carmen started on the program January 2nd and three weeks later had her blood work done again. Both her triglycerides and
cholesterol had dropped dramatically to the 220 range! You can imagine what wonderful news this was to her and to our family. She was also happy to lose 20 pounds of body fat in eight weeks. With these successful results, I am a
firm believer in the Forever Living Products.  Thank you for all of your support.”
Ashly T.

Fibromyalgia - I.B.S.
To whom it may concern, I am 36 years of age and have had Fibromyalgia for 4 years and I.B.S. for 2 years. I have been using
ALOE VERA GEL for two months and have found a great improvement, especially concerning my I.B.S. The Gel has made me feel calmer and more relaxed within myself. I find I have more energy than before, and I am able to concentrate
better and be more focused. I have been attending my own GP and hospital clinics for the past 5 years on a regular basis and have received various treatments, from pain killers, anti-depressants to physiotherapy but have always been
disappointed with the results. Until now I thought I would just have to put up with the pain and the way these illnesses had affected me. The Aloe Vera Gel has proven different. Not only have I noticed the change within me, but so has my
husband, family and friends, and they are delighted with the results.
Lucille Lennon

Fibromyalgia - Asthma
I suffered with Fibromyalgia for 10 years. Fibromyalgia is a condition which is very inhibiting .I had inflammation in all of the muscles and soft tissues of the body. I was unable to do even small things like cleaning my teeth without
extreme pain. I also was exhausted and spent a lot of my time in and out of bed. Sleep was a thing of the past! I suffered from depression, and I was very overweight. A friend introduced me to Aloe Vera gel in October 1999. By
Christmas 1999 I was feeling the energy building up in my body. I was able to peel potatoes for the first time in years! This may sound trivial but believe me anyone out there with the same condition knows what I'm talking about! I have
been taking the gel now for 14 months and I am off all my medication. I kept in touch with my doctor all the way through and every time I felt I had improved further he lessened my medication until I did not need any more. I also had
chronic asthma for 6 years and needed 3 inhalers a day. Along with the gel which I was taking regularly I started to take the GARLIC AND THYME (2x3times daily) and Gingko (1at nighttime). Inside 6 weeks I was off all three inhalers! Needless to say my doctor was delighted. He is a great believer in self help and alternative therapies. To-day I am still clear
of asthma. I still have Fibromyalgia but the gel is keeping me virtually pain free. I can do so many things now that I was restricted with that I sometimes get carried away and tend to overdo things. One other thing, I always suffered
from mouth ulcers and since I started using
FOREVER BRIGHT TOOTHGEL.I haven't had even one!! I am 49 years young and feel healthier now than when I was 29.
Deirdre Mc Creanor Northern Ireland

I was introduced to Aloe Vera Gel in December 1996. I was initially skeptical but as there were no side effects I thought I would have nothing to lose. I was very run down following scarlet fever and a severe flu. After 3 bottles of ALOE VERA GEL.I felt great. Benefits gained are as follows:
1. Increased energy
2. Weight loss
3. P.M.T. disappeared
4. Back pain disappeared
5. Sleep better.

My husband has taken Aloe Vera for joint pains with excellent results.
The products are excellent and are of a high quality. The high percentage of Aloe Vera guarantees results.
Brenda B.,
B.N., R.G.N., Comber.

In September 1996, I was introduced to Aloe Vera through an invitation to Nigel Carlisle's home where a Mr. Wright gave us a very interesting talk on the uses of Aloe Vera in its many different forms. I was very impressed when he related to various incidents where people had been helped or even cured of various illnesses.
I have from time to time suffered from bouts of Irritable Bowel Syndrome on various occasions during the last ten
years. Since I started to take
ALOE VERA GEL in September I would definitely say I feel much better. I also
had suffered stiffness and soreness in my left elbow, which has now gone completely. I would say my general health is much better and there is a notable difference to my skin, hair, etc. I would thoroughly recommend anyone to
try this product as I reckoned at the time that if it didn't do me any good, it certainly wouldn't do me any harm.

I first went to a Forever Living Products meeting in May 1996. I was very impressed with the products and the business and shortly after this I became a distributor, and also commenced taking the Gel. I have had five positive improvements in my health.

1. I have overcome the problem of lack of energy.
2. I no longer have 'restless legs' at night and I sleep better.
3. A problem with dry skin has improved.
4. My neck tension is relieved.
5. My nails and hair are in much better condition.

I feel confident to recommend
ALOE VERA GEL as a general health tonic and also for specific help in many problems. Also, regarding PROPOLIS CREAM .I developed a painful and swollen condition on my hands through contact with tile cement. I applied the cream liberally every half-hour and within an evening the skin was clear.
Mollie Boyd.
Getting children to take vitamins has always been difficult in our family. Christina takes the
FOREVER BEE HONEY each morning and loves it. It's a painless way of getting all the vitamins she needs synergistically. When she gets a slight cough or a sore throat, out comes the honey again. Many thanks to the bee hive.
Sharon Scott, Ballybogey.

Since I have been taking
ALOE VERA GEL.I have noticed a great change in my sleeping pattern and overall
appearance. My skin also has improved and I feel less stressed and in better health than I have been for a long time.
Mary Moore.

I am an electrician and gets many a bump or scrape at work. I use the
to heal the wounds quickly without a risk of infection.
Gordon Scott, Ballybogey.
Even though I have suffered sore heads most of my life, within two weeks of taking the
ALOE VERA GEL.I have had no more headaches since. Also, I have tried all of the Forever Living Products and am happy with all, especially their sun lotion which doesn't let me waste any sun or get burnt.
Brian Sinclair.

I have only used two Forever Living products so far
ALOE HEAT LOTION - My daughter who is 13 years old has a weak ankle and when it gets sore  I  apply the lotion and it gives relief.
ALOE MOISTURISING LOTION HAND CREAM- I find this product really good since my hands get dry and rough very easily. I have tried many hand cream products but with the Aloe Vera, it lasts much longer on my hands, it absorbs quickly and my hands feel soft and moisturized.  I have also an Aloe Vera plant. Only this weekend have I had to
use it. I burnt my hand on the oven. I applied the juice of a piece of my plant and was amazed to find instant relief. I kept applying the juice a number of times over the next couple of hours and the burn gave no more pain. I hope to
try more products in the New Year.
I have used quite a number of the Forever Living Products and am very pleased with them. I took the Aloe Vera Gel 3 times daily as recommended for 60 days and found it helpful with my digestive system and also it gave me a
feeling of general well-being and vitality. The NATURE-MIN I would recommend as a great source of natural supply of the
necessary minerals lacking in most foods nowadays I have taken the BEE PROPOLIS for headaches, colds, sore throats, etc. and to my relief it has acted as a safe, natural antibiotic. I do not like taking antibiotics at all. I prefer, if possible, to allow my body to fight off minor infections. I firmly believe the body can do this with the help of Bee Propolis, thus building
up the immune system.
Mary G. 

For many years I have suffered quite regularly from Gout, which is an extremely painful condition. I have never been able to pinpoint what exactly triggers it off.  However, I can confirm that I have not suffered the same frequency of attacks since taking the
ALOE VERA  GEL .   In addition, I have also been taking the Arctic-Sea capsules and the combination of the two have afforded me considerable and sustained relief from Gout.
Andrew Kershaw, Killiney, Co. Dublin.

Head Lice
November 1997, Surrey
For months I have been having problems clearing my daughter Jessica's hair of Head Lice. There is an epidemic in the
schools at the moment. I have tried specialist lotions and many other suggestions given by the pharmacist. None have worked
ALOE JOJOBA SHAMPOO has. After just three consecutive days of washing her hair, it was completely clear, and even though she had been playing with children that still had them4 she has not picked any new ones up. Not only has the shampoo cleared her hair, it seems to be working as a preventive also. My friend have already bought some shampoo to use on their own children. Jessica's hair is also is much easier to brush and looks very shiny and healthy.
So thank you once again and thanks from Jessica who doesn't have to suffer any more. 
I have been suffering from 'Michael Miles', piles, for years until I was introduced to ALOE VERA GEL.I started drinking the Gel three times a day (three fluid ounces). Two weeks later I began to feel a difference, the pain had virtually
gone. After my second bottle, I'm glad to say I could sit without anymore pain. My 'Michael Miles' has gone.

Hair Care

I was over at my friend's house one day and we decided to wash our hair. I used their shampoo and conditioner, which was in the bathroom. It was different to the types I had used before, so I asked Jennifer what it was.
Her mum came in at that moment and said it was ALOE
JOJOBA SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER. It made my hair feel really clean and I am going to use it from now on.
Joanne Laffin, Coleraine. 
Hair Care
I have had a problem with lank and greasy hair for some time now; that was until my mum, a Forever Living Products distributor, introduced me to
ALOE JOJOBA SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER. I find it nourishes my hair leaving it soft and manageable and with great shine. I have tried many other supposedly brilliant shampoos and conditioners but these are without comparison to the Aloe Vera products. I will continue to use them and due to my success I would like to try some other Aloe Vera products.
Jennifer Anderson. 
For a long number of years I have been troubled with stress and migraine headaches, trying the doctor's medicine and pills to no avail. Just over three months ago I heard of
ALOE VRA GEL; and putting this to the test, in just two weeks I found I wasn't having the headaches I used to have. I found myself a lot more at ease and after three months I am now completely free from all the pain and anxiety I have suffered for years on end.
Maurice Dunlop. 
I have suffered for a number of years from extreme tiredness and tension pain in my neck and shoulders, which resulted in severe headaches. In June of this year I was having a headache every other day and was feeling very run down. So when I heard about Aloe Vera I decided to try it as a tonic. After about 3 weeks I suddenly realized I hadn't had a headache for over a week and my shoulders/neck tension was easing. I have been taking the
ALOE VERA GEL daily since July, and now in December I don't know myself I feel so well. I rarely have any headaches - only when I seriously overdo things pushing myself too far. My energy level is way up and I have real freedom in my neck and shoulders. I am so thankful to God for the benefits I have experienced from this wonderful plant, which he has provided for our good.
Mildred Rainey. 
I am 15 years old and have suffered migraine headaches for the last few years. I also suffer from asthma and for a while I was having a lot of attacks. I began to take
ALOE VERA GEL twice a day from September 1996. I can honestly say that my
state of health has improved greatly. My headaches occur a lot less than usual and are not as bad as they used to be. I also haven't had an asthma attack since starting the Gel. It has improved my quality of life.
Pamela Carlisle. 

Improved Health
FLP Eating programand the 100% concentrated aloe vera juice have allowed me to lose the unhealthy
pounds that were beginning to ruin my health. At my last doctor visit, I was told that my weight had caused me to develop an enlarged heart, a heart murmur and breathing problems. I had originally gone to the doctor to get my weight
under control and this was more than I was expecting to hear. I know that I was overweight, but I did not realize how serious it was. My mother passed away at the tender age of 48 at the hands of the same disease I was developing. I had
the rest of my life to enjoy, so I decided to take control of my life. Every day I thank God for FLP and my nutritionist—two lifesavers at a crucial point in my life. FLP has given me the energy I need to exercise. A couple of months ago, I could not have climbed a flight of stairs without breathing uneasily. Now, I can climb 15 flights of stairs with no problems! I have lost a total of 32 pounds and I feel like a million bucks! Thanks to your program, I can continue feeling this way for the
rest of my life.
Albertina R

Having had a consultation with David de Gernier on the 7th of May 1997, I was told that I had an intolerance to sugar, dairy products, peppers, tomatoes, and red meat. I was advised to avoid these as they were causing inflammation in the joints and giving me problems with my stomach. I was to take two table spoons of
ALOE VERA GEL three times per day,GARLIC THYME three times a day,HONEY AND ROYAL JELLY. I have taken all these products faithfully. Early one morning
I woke up with heartburn and pain, I reached for my Losec tablets but decided to put the honey to test. I went downstairs and took one tablespoon of honey and it immediately took the pain away. I went back to bed and had a good night' sleep.
Thank you Aloe Vera!
Sandra S. 

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
"Hi, I know a lot of people suffer from IBS these days due to stress and I have been a sufferer for 6 years, caused by a combination of stress and chronic constipation. Since discovering the properties of Aloe Vera (about 2
years ago) I now very rarely have an attack.  I initially started taking it in juice form which I know is the best but not very convenient. I then tried various tablet forms and found them excellent. A new
ALOE VERA colon cleanse product came onto the market and I decided to give it a try about six months ago. Immediately I noticed the results and have had perhaps 2 attacks during this 6 month period. (I had suffered from attacks lasting for up to 4 weeks at a time).  I have generally felt healthier since I started taking Aloe Vera, very rarely get colds (certainly never flu over this 2 year period), my skin, hair and nail condition has improved and I can only put this down to using the tablets! I think doctors should be made aware of the benefits of Aloe Vera for IBS sufferers as when my IBS was diagnosed, they didn't have any good ideas on how I could control it!!
Best Regards
H. S."
Our son David, age 6, had a very infected finger. He had torn the hangnail and the whole area around the nail was green with pus. He wouldn't let me go near his finger because it hurt so much. I told him to spray theALOE ACTIVATOR on it. When he was going to bed, I sprayed the activator on it again and bandaged his finger with
PROPOLIS CREAM. When I checked his finger later that night, while he was sleeping, I removed the bandage and sprayed it again with ALOE ACTIVATOR The next morning he showed me his finger - the infection had all cleared away. There was no sign of pus and he was able to touch the area. Within a week, the wound was covered again with new skin.
Sharon Scott, Ballybogey.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Michelle Crown. I have been suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome for 6 years. A friend of mine suggested that  the ALOE VERA GEL.I have been taking it for 5 weeks and already I feel a lot healthier, calm and more relaxed.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
I am a 57 year old grandmother who, for most of my life, has enjoyed good health. The only real problem I endured, from the age of 7, was very severe migraine. Over a long period you do learn to cope, difficult as it is.  Approximately 2 years ago I noticed great changes in my bowel functions. I suffered severe diarrhea, pain, etc. As my mother had a malignant bowel tumor, you can imagine my feelings. nMy doctor sent me immediately to a specialist. I had every test
imaginable and was finally diagnosed as suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). I also had the added complication of a motility problem which caused terrible chest pains. I was put on medication and told to carry on. I had to
watch what I ate as some things, cabbage, lettuce, beans, etc. make the symptoms very much worse.
For the next 18 months I existed. This was a very miserable time, afraid to go places in case I couldn't find a toilet, at this time my bowels were moving 5-10 times a day and I was constantly in pain. I really felt life was not worth living and at one point felt the diagnosis was wrong and I was on my way out.  In September 1995 my husband and I spent a weekend in North Wales and I was lucky enough to hear spiritualist healer Helen Parry Jones talk about
ALOE VERA GEL .She said it was wonderful for all sorts of ailments and as at that time I was particularly low, I decided to try it.
October 1st 1995 I started taking Aloe Vera Gel and I now have my life back. I no longer take any medication and also I no longer have to know where every toilet in the area is located.  You will know of side effects of conventional medication. Well, I have side advantages from Aloe Vera Gel. My migraine is no longer severe, the flashing lights, etc. are over in 15 minutes, I am left with a very severe headache but this I can cope with. I also had a great number of brown age spots which have reduced greatly. I have complete faith in Aloe Vera Gel and will continue to recommend it to all and sundry, as this has been my lifesaver.
C.M., 18/3/1996.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Michele Porter, a hairdresser from Belfast, was diagnosed as suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome. She said the pain she suffered was excruciating, and unless she dosed herself with a lot of painkillers she had no relief from this pain.
Michele explains "When I was told about Aloe Vera I thought I had nothing to lose so I drank my first bottle in a week, because I was told this would detoxify my body. When I began drinking my second bottle the pain completely disappeared. "I have been drinking
ALOE VERA GEL since last November and I have not had an attack since. I am so
impressed with Aloe Vera that I think everyone should try it no matter what symptoms they have."
Daily Mail, 14/02/1995. 

Lip care
For me Aloe Lips has been a success. I have always made use of Boots brand lip balms but was introduced to Forever Living's ALOE LIPS by Nigel Carlisle. Since using it my lips have been much softer
and they have not been dry or sore. I would recommend Aloe Lips to anyone and
especially those who have any problems or suffer with their lips.
Pauline Carlisle, Templepatrick, 20/11/96.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
In May 1994 I was taken into hospital with chest pains, pains down my arms and I was finding it hard to breathe; all sorts of things seemed to be going wrong. All these symptoms had been occurring over the year before, but now the pains were very severe. I was diagnosed as having ME and there is no real cure. I had more 'downs' than 'ups' and in 1996 I had myself convinced that I could be done without; I even felt my own children could do without me, I was
at an all time low and I was deeply depressed. I had also been on antidepressants for over a year as well as other sorts of tablets. Then I was introduced to
ALOE VEAR GEL in November 1996: by Christmas I was a totally different
person. I was taking 60 mils per day, and then I started taking
OYAL JELLY AND BEE POLLEN. I work in a supermarket 5 days a week 8 hours per day, something I could not have kept up if it wasn't for Aloe Vera. I can't imagine life without
Aloe Vera Gel.
P. McAuley, Co. Antrim.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
At the beginning of this year Coleraine schoolboy, David Anderson, was almost crippled with the debilitating illness Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.) but now he is making a splash in the world of swimming - thanks to
ALOE VERA GEL  Aged just 11, David is already a firm believer in the power of herbal medicine and he claims that Aloe Vera (the juice of a cactus-like plant) has literally transformed his life.David contracted ME when he was just nine years old and for the past two years he has spent more of his life in bed or lying on the sofa than at school and enjoying the myriad activities which most school boys indulge in. All that changed when David's mother, Mrs Belinda Anderson (now a distributor with Forever Living Products) was recommended Aloe Vera Gel and within a month of taking the Gel David was not only well enough to go back to school, but he was also well enough to take part in and win the school Swimming Championship at Milburn Primary School despite his illness. David battled his aches and pains to fit in at least one swim per week. The buoyant effect of the water helped take the strain off his sore limbs and even though at times he was unable to walk without severe pain, he found he could cope well in the swimming pool.  "It is hard to believe that David is the same little boy who at the beginning of this year was so ill all he could do was lie on the sofa and sleep" explained his mum, Belinda "In March he went to a swimming club event where he had to leave the water after just four lengths - now he is fit and healthy and he was delighted to carry off the breast stroke and butterfly titles as well as coming third in the front crawl to win the school championship. "Aloe Vera has totally transformed his life and when he attends Milburn School Prize Day later this month to collect his swimming trophy he will be the proudest young man there," she smiled "He still has ME but the Aloe Vera Gel allows him to enjoy a freedom from pain which he didn't have before". Now that he is well enough to go back to school, David is back in the swim at Coleraine Swimming Club and he hopes soon to recommence his singing with the school choir, his membership of the scouts and his elocution lessons. A talented cartoonist, he spends much of his free time sketching characters from comics and when he is not doing that he enjoys playing football near his home. "David has got his life back thanks to Aloe Vera - the Gel seems to be agreeing with him!" said his mum Belinda. Taken from an article in the Coleraine Chronicle. 

I have suffered with migraine type headaches for about 20 years.  About 15 years ago, I was told it was food intolerance; but I still got my headaches, which lasted for 3 days at a time. Since I got my first tub of
ALOE VERA GEL  in April I have only had three very light headaches, lasting only I day each time. I have also noticed that I seem to have more energy.

Margaret Sinclair.

Multiple Sclerosis
I was diagnosed to be suffering from Multiple Sclerosis in 1983. From that time on my condition deteriorated each year. I attend the R.V.H. Belfast for regular check-ups as well as attending my own doctor. I have been on medication for the whole of this time. I have had pain killers, sleeping tablets and steroids, these only helped
to put weight on me which didn't make me look or feel any better. By the spring of 1993 I was having difficulty in walking more than about 600yds and climbing stairs.  Then my husband (who had been buying different products from health food shops to try and help me) was introduced to Forever Living Products by a friend. He asked John O'Brien if it could help anyone with MS and John said it might. John advised me to take
ALOE VERA GEL,NATURE MIN AND BEE POLLEN.  I tried this and within weeks the improvement was staggering. Within 6 weeks of starting to take Aloe Vera I was able to go on holiday to England during which I walked as much as 5 or 6 miles sometimes.  When I first started I would take the Gel 3 times a day (you will have to work out the amount that suits yourself), 2 Nature Min 3 times a day and 2 Bee Pollen 3 times a day. I have cut down on the amount of Gel I take and also on the Bee Pollen, but I cannot cut down on the Nature Min.  Over the years like anyone else who suffers from MS I have remissions and I can say that this is not a
remission. I hope that this will be of some help and hope for anyone in my position.
Kim B., Co. Down. 

I have been taking Aloe Vera Gel for 5 months. I feel it has given me a real energy boost thus helping me to lose weight. I also have osteoarthritis in one of my toes as a result of osteomyelitis. 
ALOE VERA GEL AND PROPOLIS CREAM have helped to significantly ease the pain in the joint.  Caroline Goffrey.

Painful Joints
Sore knee. My leg had been very sore and was getting worse. Eventually it got so painful I “During September I purchased a heat lotion from Forever Living Products to try to help my found it difficult to get into the car. I began to rub the heat lotion on my knee every evening. Before long I noticed a considerable change. My knee was not as painful and I found I could move a lot easier than before. I continued to use the heat lotion resulting in my knee being completely cured. I would recommend Forever Living Products to anyone.”
Elizabeth Carlisle.
Painful Neck
I have been a car mechanic all my life. In recent years due to a stiff sore neck, my work has been made very difficult. A customer noticing my problem recommended I try
ALOE HEAT LOTION as it had helped a friend of hers with the same complaint. I was at the stage when I would have tried anything to get relief. Sure enough
after the first application my neck was moving again. I use it morning and night. I also use the TOOTH GEL as it keeps my teeth really white and keeps my mouth fresh all day.
J.E.D. Leighton.
I am a mother of two children and I work full time while running a home. I like to think I can balance all three and keep ahead of colds and flues. Last Easter, however, I caught pneumonia and was quite ill for four weeks. I lost one stone in weight and felt very weak. I returned to work and started taking
ALOE VERA GEL .I took some every morning for the next 5/6 weeks. I felt stronger and less tired as time went on. I have found all the Aloe Vera products that I have used since then to be of excellent quality. Unfortunately I cannot afford to buy Aloe Vera products on a regular basis, but I certainly would if I found myself in a better financial position.

Post-Operation Health

Last May I went into hospital for an operation. A week beforehand I started taking Forever Living
ALOE VERA GEL.I knew it would help me through my ordeal because of all the minerals, vitamins and amino acids it contained. It helped to clean the anesthetic out of my system and helped the healing process. I was bouncing with health and vitality 5 weeks after my operation and itching to get back to work. I was instructed by my doctor to wait for six weeks before attempting to return
to work and this I did. I was able to enjoy the summer and did not feel drained and tired as one sometimes does after an anesthetic. I am

going to take Aloe Vera Gel through the winter to keep me in
good shape.
Mary Matthews, Portstewart.

Post-Viral Fatigue

I am a staff nurse and in July 1996 I was diagnosed with post-viral fatigue. I had been an extremely fit and active person. I was able to jog, swim and work out regularly during a seven-day period. The illness affected me in many ways. I was constantly tired. I was unable to carry out even the smallest of chores around the house without feeling I had completed a marathon. I had to constantly rest. I was always dizzy, felt agitated and experienced twitching in my legs. My vision was also affected and my arms and legs were very weak. Life was getting very much depressing and the doctors could offer me nothing. I am so thankful to have been told about
ALOE VERA AND FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS from a friend. I attended a seminar by David de Gernier and started taking the Gel 3 times daily along with Propolis tablets 2-3 times daily, Garlic & Thyme 1-3 times daily, Royal Jelly 2-3 times daily and Bee Pollen 2-3 times daily. I experienced mild headaches but this was a boost to me knowing that the detox process was working. After 3 months I felt a lot better. I had more energy and was able to get out for short walks. In October 1997 I was able to get back to work part-time and I am now full-time feeling 100%.  Karen Cromie, Portstewart.
Question: Is Aloe Vera Gel safe to take during pregnancy? what other FLP products are useful in pregnancy?
Answer: This is a question that I am asked regularly. Possibly because most herbal books and practitioners
advise against the use of Aloe Vera in pregnant or breast-feeding women. The reason for this advice is that herbalists who write these books tend to do their research by reading other books, and plagiarising the contents. Certainly the
use of an Aloe Vera preparation which uses the whole leaf of Aloe Barbadensis (all that was available when the original herbals were written) would not be suitable during pregnancy as it acts as a violent cathartic (laxative and
purgative). However, Forever Living Products Aloe Vera Gel is perfectly safe
and has many benefits for the pregnant or breast-feeding mother. It will help keep constipation at bay, it will assist the body by providing and helping assimilate the vitamins, minerals and amino acids necessary for good health in the mother and baby. It will ease morning sickness,
lower blood pressure and stabilise hormonal upsets. It will help fight bladder and urinary infections and will kill Candida bacteria which causes thrush in pregnant women and breast-fed babies. Royal Jelly will help hormone balance. The
use of Aloe Gelly rubbed into the skin will help with problem skin, veins, piles and avoid stretch marks.
A BETA CARE is vital during pregnancy for many body functions and will help hair and skin condition.
David de Gernier. 

"I suffered from psoriasis all over my body and head for 4
years. I have spent a great deal on prescribed drugs and herbal remedies before
trying Forever Living Products.
I started drinking the
into the affected areas two or three times a day. After 2 weeks my condition was
much relieved and steady progress continues. I am looking forward to wearing
shorts and T-shirts this summer." Sarah L


When I was 21 years old I took 'dry spots' on my elbows. I just thought it was dry skin, but after a few months these dry spots were erupting all over my body.  I eventually plucked up the courage to go to my doctor, who confirmed I had psoriasis. I had never heard of psoriasis before, I didn't know what had caused it or how I was going to get rid of it. The doctor gave me a briefing about psoriasis and how to keep it at bay. I was sent home with a tube of steroid cream.
I used this cream to try and keep the psoriasis at bay, but it seemed to be appearing on other parts of my body. I was getting worse instead of better. Within the next few months I was covered in it. I couldn't sleep at night with the pain and I would scratch my body until it bled. I cried every time I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and asked myself 'Why me?' I couldn't bear the stress it was causing me so I went back to the doctor. When he saw me he put me in hospital straight away. There they treated me with more creams and bandaged me up like a mummy. Every other day they would give me ultraviolet light treatment. The nurse saw a slight change in my skin but I couldn't see any. I was in hospital for 8 weeks when the skin unit at Ballymoney Hospital closed down, so I didn't get my treatment finished.
My  psoriasis calmed down a little and I was able to sleep better at nights. I read a lot of leaflets and books about psoriasis but they all said there was no cure. I went abroad every year to the sun as this was supposed to help. It did help a little but when I came home the psoriasis would just erupt again. I thought I would never see my own skin again.
I read about a faith healer in the local paper called Danny Gallagher. I decided anything was worth a try. I travelled
three times to Belfast to see him and paid ?0. I waited and waited for my psoriasis to disappear but it never happened.
By this stage I was trying to come to terms with having psoriasis, but none really understands how you really
feel unless they have experienced it. I kept myself covered well with long-sleeved tops and trousers so no one knew I had psoriasis except for my family and close friends.  A friend had suggested going to Bangor to a lady called Deirdre who would tell me what was causing the condition and what I was allergic to. I attended her a few times paying her ?5 each visit. It was expensive but I didn't care about the price, as I would have paid any amount to
be cured. She told me foods I was allergic to, like yeast, dairy products, etc. She gave me a long list of products not to eat. I got fed up with this because at 8 stone I couldn't afford to go on a diet and lose more weight.
Four years had passed and still no cure. I went back to the doctor again in desperation as I couldn't bend my knees without them cracking and bleeding, and my hands were so bad I couldn't write my name. My face was the only unaffected part of me. I was put in hospital again and went through the same treatment. After a few weeks I signed myself out, as I couldn't afford to be off work as I was getting married in a few months. My dream was to have my skin clear for my wedding day as my fianc?had never saw my skin clear. I attended the hospital for the next 4 months as an outpatient. My skin was quite clear when I got married. I still had red blotches but I was able to disguise them with make-up. My skin was at its best but not completely clear I still had outbreaks and  had to go back to the hospital regularly for PUVA treatment and hoped someday there would be a cure. But I was starting to give up My husband had met Edith McCurdy one day and she was telling her about my psoriasis and she had told him about ALOE VERA. I had heard of Aloe Vera before but I had tried so many treatments I had lost faith in everything. When my husband brought me the bottle of Aloe Vera Gel to try and leaflets to read I thought it would be worth a try. I phoned Edith and she explained it might take a few bottles before I even noticed a slight change. So I started taking Aloe Vera Gel for a few weeks, but with no change. After nearly four months my skin was starting to clear and I treated myself to a sleeveless dress for Christmas. It felt great to have my arms bare and clear. I kept on taking Aloe Vera and my skin was looking good. My family couldn't believe their eyes. I have been taking Aloe Vera for the past 7 months and my skin is crystal clear. It's unbelievable. I feel great and it's hard to imagine my skin being covered in those disgusting red spots for so long.
I am just glad I tried
ALOE VERA and I wouldn't be without it now. Anon.


Since using
ALOE VERA GEL,CREAM and SHAMPOO my psoriasis has really cleared up now in all affected places. Anything I had got from the chemist hadn't worked as fast or as effectively as these products did. I am very happy with the treatment.
Mable Evert.
I had a problem with psoriasis on my hands, and as I work in a kitchen my hands were constantly in water and I could not get the matter cleared up. A colleague had been to a FLP meeting and heard about the success of
ALOE GELLY for skin conditions. She gave me a tube and within a short time of using it my hands were well healed. I have also used the Moisture Lotion and find it equally good.
Joe McWilliams.

As a keen water sports enthusiast I would wear a wetsuit regularly. Often when I have had it on for a long time I get a bad rash on my upper arm. Since using
ALOE VERA GELLY on the rash I was amazed at how quickly it healed and would
recommend the Gelly to anyone with cuts, stings, etc.
Nigel Carlisle, Templepatrick.

Rough Skin
Since being introduced to
ALOE PROPOLIS CREAME AND ALOE LIPS .I have found both to be excellent products. I have no more rough skin or hacks on my hands, and I do not complain of chapped lips any more. I will continue to use both products.
Maureen McAfee.


USA March 1998 Last year I was diagnosed with scleroderma. This disease is characterized by hardening of the skin of the hands, face and arms.

Sometimes internal organs (lungs, digestive system) are affected similarly. I have the worst form of the disease - diffused scleroderma. Which means organs and skin are subject to gross and irreversible disfigurement. The movie in 1996 - "for hope" was the subject of this disease. I was taking medication - propulsid. I now take only aloe vera and I pray for CONTINUED healing. It's hard to explain it but I have been taking ALOE VERA orally twice daily and applying it once a day to my face. The results have been remarkable. The skin discolorations have virtually disappeared
and the tightness has decreased substantially. I am convinced that aloe and prayer have delivered me. Changes were apparent after 4 months. I continue religiously. It's been about 1 year since I started the aloe. 
Sensitive Skin In 1991, my face, generally quite sensitive to various creams, soap , etc., became drastically worse. I had often suffered from rashes and spots off and on but usually I managed to maintain a fairly healthy
complexion. My face became covered in bright red itchy patches, blisters and lots of swelling, especially around the cheekbones. I became very self-conscious and housebound. My doctor was quite taken aback when he saw me and immediately prescribed Betnovate and later on, Locoid Cortisone creams. When the creams were having little effect after 3-4 weeks I visited a dermatologist at our city hospital. I had patch tests which discovered an allergy to a chemical often
found in some water-based cosmetics and paints. He suggested I continue with the cortisone and increased the percentage cortisone cream. After a further week or so I became very discouraged and decided to stop using cortisone when a friend suggested I use the Activator, which I did. I had immediate relief from the itching and the swelling was reduced within a few hours. Within a week my skin was almost completely cleared and by the second week completely normal.

Since that time the only products I use on my skin are Forever Living Products.I use Exfoliating Cleanser to remove eye make-up, wash with
ALOE LIQUID SOAP and use the Activator to tone and moisturisze.
I would recommend the  ACTIVATOR for all skin types and skin problems. It worked for me!
Julia O'B., Larne. 

Sinus Infection
I have been troubled with sinus infections for the last five years and have had many blinding headaches. When I attended the  first Aloe Vera meeting, Colin Wright said the ACTIVATOR was for sinus trouble. I shouted 'Here let me try!' and everyone laughed. But I tried it right then and there because my head had been pounding for days with sinus trouble. I used it 4 times that evening and 4 times when I got home. The next morning I blew my nose and the sinus suddenly released and the infection started to drain. What relief! I had to use the Activator several times that week and on and off the next few months but I have not had a seriously blocked sinus since then. Many thanks to the ALOE ACTIVATOR.
Sharon Scott, Ballybogey. 

Skin Care
Living in a seaside resort always means harsh weather, sun, snow, wind and rain of course. My skin, which is dry, always suffers. I found using
ALOE MOISTURISNG LOTION helped protect my skin from all elements. It has a pleasant
scent and absorbs quickly into the skin, keeping my skin looking smooth and soft. Aloe moisturising lotion is great to wear under my make up.

Skin Care

I have been introduced to some of the
FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS range by Belinda Anderson, a neighbour. I purchased FOREVER SCRUB and found this to be excellent. Needless to say I have tried other makes of this item, but they would not compare. I certainly would purchase more of the product.
Pauline Hutchinson, Coleraine.

Skin Care
Our three children have at times had minor skin rashes and irritations ALOE ACTIVATOR,LOTION AND PROPOLIS CREAM have always proved invaluable Our son, Aaron, had very dry chafed skin in his armpits. I applied activator and Propolis cream and it cleared. He also had a rough rash on his back and I used activator and sometimes
lotion and it cleared within a week . Our daughter, Emma, had a patch of psoriasis (runs in family history) on her leg, which I detected early. I applied activator and Propolis cream twice and it has disappeared and never
returned. Our daughter, Amy, had rash and patches of what looked like psoriasis coming up on her back and arms. I applied activator and Propolis cream. It started clearing up the following day and was completely gone in two
weeks.  For all skin problems I believe the
 ALOE ACTIVATOR,LOTION AND PROPOLIS CREAM  are the finest topical applications. Julia O'B., Larne. 

After having a shave I used to get lots of spots until I started using
GENTLE MAN’S PRIDE and it has cured my spots. I would recommend this to anyone as an excellent skin conditioner.
John M.
Spots- Age spots
After 45 years old, my face started to develop age spots. I went to clinic, specialized for face, skin problems like estheticians.  I was skeptical not only of the huge amount of money I gonna spend and the maintenance that will cost, and how long it will last. I decided to use the Forever Living Products.  My friend recommended the
I started to see changes after I fininshed the 2 small tubes. I see other products like aloe vera gel, so I tried it too,I see more difference the glow of my skin, my overall self. I have a better looking skin . My friends noticed, the big scar in my face is not visible anymore. I started to use other products and it gives me more satisfaction. I reccommend to all my friens to try the Forever Living Products.

The prices are reasonable. I tried many before but it never gave me satisfaction even cosmetics of sonay is super mild and beautiful, it stays  and nourish my skin. I say this because after I removed my make up at night, the glow of my skin is still there. Amazing Products.. Its worth investing for my health...Elise

The purpose of this review was to examine past research into the use of
ALOE VERA and to discover any benefits it may have for the athlete.

Due to the vigours of training and competition, athletes may turn to substances that aid performance. Much of the substance use has not been supported by research and many agents have harmful effects. Therefore, safe substances with evidence supporting their use are sought after.

Aloe Vera has been claimed to increase energy and to improve performance without side effects, but has no, or little supporting evidence for these ergogenic claims.

However, research into the health and medical benefits of the plant, has shown some general trends in areas that could be beneficial to the athlete. It has been described as an immune modulator and can be effective in treating auto-immune disorders, while also being beneficial to the digestive system and in the treatment of acute and chronic sports injuries.

The significance of the findings are wide ranging and have strong implications for future sports science research. Aloe Vera could be used to prevent and treat chronic conditions such as chronic fatigue and auto-immune disorders that hinder performance. Also, certain effects on the digestive system enable improved digestion and absorption of protein, of great importance for growth and repair of muscle tissue.

Repair of muscle and skin tissue is also accelerated, decreasing the time between injury and full fitness and the need for drugs such as corticosteroids.

It is essential that further research be carried out to discover the benefits of Aloe Vera to the athlete.
Sports Injuries
In my experience as a Sports Injury Therapist working with Shamrock Rovers FC and Home Farm Everton over a three-year period, I found the
ALOE FIRST Aid Spray excellent for any injury.

Players like to have something sprayed on them, cold sprays are not great-they cool down a warm
muscle leaving the player open to further injury and can damage the skin.

Aloe Vera First Spray keeps the players happy and more importantly, allowed me to more efficiently treat the injury. I use the spray on the field and in my clinic to relieve pain and help the healing process.
Tomas Ronan, Active Balance Clinic. 
I have suffered from stress and PMT for many years. I had noticed a girl who works shifts with me had greatly changed over the previous weeks. She had been suffering from stress and fatigue, and suddenly she was bubbly and full of life. When I asked her her secret, she replied FOREVER LIVING ALOE VERA GEL" every day". Seeing is believing and I just had to try it for myself. She contacted her distributor and I too started taking the Gel every day to get the sparkle back in my life. It is no problem now to face the day, to get up and go to work and not feel washed out when I get home. My life has greatly changed for the better and I am a much nicer person to know!!
Anne, Ballymoney. 

In July this year I represented Ireland in the European Junior Surfing Championships in Portugal. The temperature was very hot - about 450C. As I spent almost all of time in the water I got a bit too much of the sun. During the evenings I applied the ALOE LOTION
  and found it had a considerable soothing effect. Indeed, practically all the others in the Surf Team discarded their familiar brand named aftersuns in favour of my Aloe Suntan Lotion. We all found that when using the ordinary aftersuns our skin would tend to burn again after approximately 20 minutes, however with the Aloe Suntan Lotion the burning was gone for the rest of the evening and sleeping was not a problem I was so impressed with the Aloe suntan Lotion that I intend to get more of it for the Surfing World Championships to be held in California in September this year.
Martin Kelly, Coleraine, August 1996.
Super Glue in Eye
I was gluing two plastic containers together with Super Glue 3 when I was accidentally bumped. One of the containers flew upwards hitting my eye. The glue started to solidify almost immediately, scratching and burning the eyeball. I had my eye treated at our local hospital where I was told that I would not be able to see from it for about a week to 10 days.
When I got home I removed the dressing, dropped neat ACTIVATOR into my eye and soaked the dressing in Activator. I repeated this often, as it helped to soothe and relieve the pain. I was able to use my eye by the next day and had complete recovery of vision by the third day.

Thanks to Forever Living Products.
John O'B., Larne. 

Tooth Extractions
I went to see a friend of mine one day who happens to be a Forever Living Aloe Vera Distributor. I was in agony as I had just had all my teeth out a few days previously, and new plates to replace them were put in. She
said she had
ALOE VERA GELLY that would help me. I put it on right away and got great relief. I took it home with me and put it on all through the night and for the next few days. I went back to the dentist the following week and he said he never saw a mouth heal up so quickly.
Dorothy Gamble, Coleraine.
Tooth Extractions
A while ago I had a wisdom tooth removed. As soon as I got home I applied
ALOE VERA GELLY and then applied it frequently throughout the day. I felt there was still a piece of tooth left in the gum and went back to the dentist the
following day to have it removed. She was absolutely amazed at the healing that had occurred and said it had healed in one day and would normally take three or four days.
John O'B., Larne. 

Trapped Nerve
I was thrown off a young horse a number of years ago and I chipped a rib which healed trapping a nerve.
On a couple of occasions the nerve endings in that area have become inflamed sending a persistent stabbing
pain up my side, shoulder and down my arm. I have had great relief rubbing in the
Julia O'B., Larne. 

A cut on my leg developed into a varicose ulcer - very painful and difficult to clear up. None of the creams tried in the hospital had any effect and I decide to use only
ALOE VERA GELLY . In a short time the district nurse who was calling daily to dress the ulcer noticed a change - healing was taking place from the inside and new tissue was forming. I continued to use the Gelly and am thankful to say that the ulcer is now completely healed.
Mrs. Gilliland, Lisburn.

I have a customer who has been bed-ridden for the past 10 years due to a severe stroke. She is being cared for in her own home by four nurses doing shift work. She had a very bad ulcer on her hip - a large hole in fact and very nasty. None of the conventional medicines were helping . I recommended the Gel and to use the
ACTIVATOR and PROPOLIS CREAM which totally cleaned up the infection and then we switched to Activator and GELLY . The wound has completely closed in and new skin is forming on the original infected area. This took approximately three months as the ulcerated hip was in very bad condition. All connected with this case are astounded.
Helen Ryan, Regional Manager, Region 2. 
I've been in poor health now for several years. My doctor says "It's too many birthdays". Not much help for that!
One night, having put in a miserable few days, my nephew Sam Magill, a distributor with Forever Living
Products, came to see me. He gave me a bottle of
ALOE  VERA GEL and said "try this, it may help your stomach". Well, I tried and it did indeed help. At about the same time I'd taken a leg ulcer and Samuel said to keep taking the Gel. I knew it had helped my sister so I stayed on it, feeling more sure of its success. Sure enough the ulcer got better and is now
healed. A great result I think!! I can recommend it to one and all.
Sally B. 
Weight Loss
I started taking the
GEL THEN BEE POLLEN AND GARCINIA PLUS. I lost a stone in weight as a result of taking this Aloe
Vera Elizabeth A., Belfast.

Weight Loss
On February 7th 1997,weighing 14 and a half stone, I started the Forever Living Diet programe. I
began with the
GEL,BEE POLLEN,FOREVER LITE SHAKES AND GARCINIA PLUS .After one week I had lost all the excess fluid I had been carrying. Over the next few weeks, by following the programe and walking for
30 minutes 3 times a week, the weight just fell off. I now feel great and having gone from a size 22 to a size 14/16, I can now fit into some lovely clothes which up to this stayed in my wardrobe. I am very pleased with the Forever
Living Products Weight Loss Programe and can recommend it to anyone
Phil Colgan, Dublin

Sarah MacCurrie
Aloe Gelly for tonsillitis, gargled and followed up with the aloe gel and propolis tablets = fixed without a visit to gp!!
Lara Borg
MPD not only helped us have a clean house at home but instead of throwing away the water mixed with MPD once ready we used it to water our plants and they are now healthier than ever! such great products from FLP!
I use Lips as a handcreme and my husband will use Gelly for shoe polishing and MPD in car window washing system. Hands are soft, shoes are shining and car window is clear. Our life is soft, shining and clear.
Deodorant for verrucas. Works brilliantly, rubbing on every day, after scraping the verruca first. And it's quicker than all the stuff from the chemist

I have made my very old black leather sofa much brighter and shiny with Propolis Creme. Works also with leather shoes.
The aloe first and propolis creme mixed together makes a very nice baby body lotion.
Aloe lips eye make up remover! Brilliant!!

Hi Everybody. I just wanted to share a personal testimonial with you all that you may share with any ladies you know who suffer with the same medical condition as myself...
After several emergency hospital visits over the past 12 months I was recently (and FINALLY!) diagnosed with Dysmenorrhea which is a medical condition, estimated at effecting 25% of all woman. To put it simply, Dysmenorrhea is severe excessive menstrual pain which effects my life immensely- to the point where I physically can not walk! As you can imagine this has been a major issue with work as on a monthly basis I find myself having to take time off with the risk of loosing my job. The pain is overwhelming and I have tried everything I can get my hands on to try and at least ease it with no joy at all....that is until I discovered Aloe Heat Lotion!
I can not rave about this product enough as it has bought so much comfort to an issue I dread every single month. I use Aloe Heat lotion on my lower abdomen, lower & mid back and top of my legs which results in instant relief, comfort and most importantly peace of mind. As there is no pre warning of when the pain will start I make sure I always have a tube of the Heat Lotion in my handbag, work bag, bedside table, car...basically whenever and wherever I am going out I have got some with me!! It is just simply fantastic!!
Please feel free to share with friends, family and customers. Any body who suffers with Dysmenorrhea will understand just how incredible the feeling of instant relief is!

Another creative use for the herbal tea is to use the tea leaves (remove it from the casing) as a body or foot scrub on damp skin just before taking a full bath. Relaxing even during bath time
We have a little zoo in our home 2 adults 2 children 5 cats 1 dog and a duck. A few weeks ago Duckie tried to steal the dogs bone she was chewing on, in the tussle the duck ended up with a cut on his top beak that was bleeding quit a lot. So we washed in clean cold water and grabbed the Aloe gelly and treated his injury twice a day. Worked a treat within hours the bleeding had stopped within 24 hours the redness and swelling had gone down and within a week treating the injury just twice a day with Aloe gelly his injury was almost completely healed. A little while after that he lost his quack sounded like he had a sore throat so we strained the pulp from the Aloe gel and used a syringe to get the juice down his throat we did this twice a day as well and with in 3 days his quack was back and he was doing so much better.
I have used aloe ever shield to remove calluses from feet. You cut a piece of aloe ever shield, place it on the callus, cover it with a bandage and let it do its wonder.

I soaked my jewelry overnight in MPD and you wouldn't believe how clean and shiny they were in the morning! No harsh chemicals for my pretty pieces
My best customer.........." Hi my name is Oscar, I am a 4 year old marmosette monkey, I weigh 260 grams and if I was a human I would need a hip replacement in my 2 back legs. I love aloe gel mixed with custard. It helps me swing upside down, climb and run really really fast to escape my liquid soap bubble bath! Sometimes I get a little bit stressed and a royal jelly helps me calm down. I would love an aloe baby to play with in my cage

I am proudly using Forever Vision and Fields of works not only in my vision but my system as well...any distributor cannot be a real distributor if you're really not using the product you're offering to should first LIKE...USE...and SHARE the products of FLP to gain HEALTH and WEALTH!!!....
Well I broke my back bone was bared and screwed back together I took argi blue gel and article sea but the heat and itch I had on the wound on my back was unreal I used the aloe jelly to cool it but needed to reapply every 20 minutes so I put the propolis over the jelly and it sealed and calmed me so I could sleep. Thank you forever I use all your products now
I love the Aloe lips, I use it for mascara, rub on both my index fingers and apply to my eye lashes and on my eyelids, give me the shine on my eyelids and make my eyelashes look shiny and grow at the same time.
Ps. I never had conjunctivitis again. Im not going anywhere without my aloe lips. Small but mighty !!
My nephews are always teasing me saying "Put Aloe on it" as I have something for everything! The littlest one, 6 years old, had a sticky CD that wouldn't play and said "Auntie Tina, have you got aloe for this?" I said "Actually I have" and with a bit of MPD it cleaned up the CD so he could play his game! Too cute and very impressed at the versitility of our products
I use Aloe Lips for everything, including cough, catarrh, sores, cuts, insect bites, etc. I haven't been without one for over 10yrs
I use the Aloe Vera Gelly not just for minor cuts nor burns but also as styling gel for my hair after taking bath. More aloe vera, better for the hair & scalp!
I used the Aloe Soap to clean my very dirty white flip flops. Came out lovely! Also used it to clean a very filthy, slightly mouldy pushchair that was given to me. Looked brand new after and my hands were still soft after spending a good 2 hours in the soapy water.

I used forever bright on my son's tongue after he burned it on a piping hot spring roll

Aloe vera gel, Arctic c, Pomesteen Power , B poleen, Propolis, royel Jelly, hand face soap, rehydrating toner, Aloe vera jelly,,aloe nourishing serum, mask powder. This product i u used makes me healthy, look younger with good skin complexion and become more fairer. I am happy using the product . i now an active dealer in forever living.
I've been on antibiotics for a tooth infection ... Extremely painful and uncomfortable, would rather be in labour again then have tooth ache. I used aloe gelly on the problem area, absolutely fantastic the pain went within a hour and has not returned, I was able to get a good nights sleep and I feel great, highly recommended this gelly.

Try Aloe Heat lotion to avoid mosquito bites. It works ! 

Oh there is so many unique ways to use those awesome products... For example I mixed forever activator with boiled water in proportion 1:1 and used to help my 17 month baby boy with stuffy nose ... For my self used aloe heat lotion in side of throat to get rid off very heavy throat infection.... (learned from my Argentinian friends

Daily dose of Aloe Vera gel - 4 oz of a regular glass, 2 artic sea , 1 table spoon of forever honey every morning of my two son as early as month old. Result - healthier compare to other children at their age, smart, energetic .
Hi everybody. The most unique way I use Aloe Vera Products happen every morning when my family and I brush our teeth using Aloe Bright. We are experiencing the best effects of Aloe Vera. After that, we usually consume our favorite daily drink (Bits'n Peaches). Then, we share our experiences with neighborhoods.
My 5yrs old child suffering from skin asthma 2 months ago and very thanks for Aloe Vera Gel, Propolis creme and Aloe Vera Gelly. Salute for amazing Forever Living Products.
I damaged my knee a few years ago and it swelled up like a balloon! I laid out a few strips of wide bandage on the base of my freezer, spread it thickly with Aloe Vera Gelly, then sprayed it generously with Aloe First and swirled the mixture around to mix thoroughly. I left it in the freezer for about 15 minutes then took it out, applied it to my knee and bandaged it firmly in place. I went to bed, had a nap for an hour or two, when I got up I found the pain was significantly reduced and by next morning the swelling had totally gone. Aloe Vera - the miracle plant indeed!
Me and my family we are crazy about the product, even when am a sleep and i remember i didn't take my Aloe gel i wake up, my kids can't go to bed before the Bits and Peaches and forever KIDS. The tooth gel every member of the family can't resist its freshness.

For silky smooth hands I use 3 products- one above the other:
first: a Hazelnut-Size portion of Propolis Cream, aply on the hands and rub it , then give a portion Aloe Scrub OVER the Propolis and lotion hands so. Do not wash! After that put a dab of aloe soap - rub in and then wash everything under warm water. The result: silky soft hands! Dry it thoroughly and apply aloe propolis cream or lotion as hand cream.
aloe vera does cleans our digesting sytem..n does reproduce our body cell n m0stly gives us nutrition,dats all important to keep better health.dats y i do use it.

My mother applied Aloe Heat Lotion immediately after falling and hurting her arm we then rushed to the hospital where they perform an x-ray which revealed that the arm was broken. Everyone was shocked as she was not as someone who broken an arm. The Doctor said she is very strong and I agree she is strong but the pain was relieved by Aloe .The miracle Aloe.
A few days back, I was frying some pieces of fish and a few drops of hot oil fell on my toes, Almost immediately, I put some Aloe ever shied (deodorant) on my feet as it was the nearest available product. In a few minutes, I felt no pain or discomfort, All was well!
I am a chronic patient of High Blood Pressure, under medication since 1986. My case get worst because of the type of responsibility I have. I cannot leave my job because it is paying me a good fortune that I was able to send my children to the best university of their choice. Until last year when I was confined 3x in a hospital for about 5 days each time. The bill is getting enormous and wors of all my health problem is getting complicated. I started to develop gout as side effect of the the BP medication.My 2 feet got so swollen and I suffered unbearable pain. I could not stand up even with a helping hand. I was again hospitalised for this reason and again incurred enormous hospital bill. I was given another medication but I started to suffer from an early kidney problem. That is when I decided to consider going for organic medication. My upline suggested Forever Freedom for my Gout and for my BP I was suggested to drink the Aloe Vera Gel, Garlic Thyme, Artic Sea. It is now almost a year since I started taking these FLP products and my health condition greatly iomproved. I no longer have a swollen feet, I save my kidney, my BP is now controlled and most of all I saved the hospital expenses. I am now also earning from my network group.
Aloevera's products are mind blowing.we can use it many of unique ways. i took gel in the morning empty stomach but in the night after meal and apply on my face also. with that dark spots on my face has gone(gayab) and only apply aloe vera gel i got shining and glow on my face. I used bright tooth gel on "MASSSE" and with in one month that all" GAYAB". on small babies i used gelly cream on their mouth gum on the time of starting new teeth and they feels good and easily gets their teeth. so there are so many ways so that we can use our products.
The padlocks on my beach hut seized from the salty sea water. I smeared aloe lips into the locks and they opened up like a dream. It also acts as watering proofing so prevents the salt water getting back in again.
Aloe Evershield as body lotion - it helped to even my skin tone, balance oily skin on my face, and helped to soften my heels. I had always used propolis creme for my skin allergies (allergy akin to skin asthma) but once it was so itchy I could not sleep, I was so desperate that I grabbed aloe first and sprayed it. Since then, I had used Aloe First for my skin allergy and it works very fast.
I have recommended it to someone who had a snake bite deep in the village, was becoming unconscious, I told him to take a full bottle of aloevera gel with water and by morning, this guy was very ok that the doctors found no snake venom in his body.
I spray diluted MPD on my patio in the summer to keep the ants away. It doesn't kill them but they don't like it so they stat off the patio. I also spray it on my roses to keep off the greenfly.
My small dog has a habit of catching wasps. One day she caught one and swallowed it and got stung. She couldn't eat her food because it hurt so I gave her a spoon of Forever Bee Honey and aloe gel. She was fine in five minutes. And I spray diluted MPD on my patio in the summer to keep the ants away. It doesn't kill them but they don't like it so they stat off the patio. I also spray it on my roses to keep off the greenfly.

I used Aloe Vera Veterinary Formula followed by Aloe Vera Gelly on my ginger cat's ears and nose, when she got them sunburnt recently.
My 3 year old son had his finger wounded by a scissor. His sister, upon seeing his brother's finger oozing with blood, got the activator and pour on the wounded finger. The oozing blood stopped. She told me later that she intend to get the alcohol and erroneously got the activator and to her surprised, it did work!
After I have I used it for my whole body cleansing,.and I feel better cos of malaria,the whole of my family now use it even my close friends that I gave it will tell you that its good.i also use it as a as adaily juice.fiacial cleasning rough skin and I add few drops in my body cream.brave aloe,aloe

I blend aleo vera gel or berrynecter sometimes bit'npeaches with my smoothy of carrots , avacdo pear and banana with some ice cubes for my afternoon snack.i just savoir the taste with the healthy feelings. It is always a delght I look forward to daily
Amazing Aloe Lip! I cut my finger one evening and was afraid it would take a long time to heal since it was a dp cut. I tried to stop the bleeding, applied generous amount of Aloe Lip and the wrapped the finger up in a bandage. The next day, I barely felt pain. I was curious, so I unwrapped my finger and guess what? The dp cut was closing up! I also had a stubborn irritation / itching which disappeared after applying this aloe lip. I think it's amazing!!
In Philippines one of my downline used the aloe sunscreen lotion on her gray hair, then it turns brown since then she didn't used any chemical based products to color her hair. I saw it in my eyes. She used to buy the products regularly way back year 2000. I was young then, didn't have any gray hair yet, now that I started having this I will start using it as well.
i and my wife have been using aloe vera gel regularly from the last 3 months and we have hugely benefited by this wonderful product. We also use this miracle product in several other ways: 1. We mix the aloe gel with Forever honey with water to clean our eyes. We both have this problem of dry eyes and believe me we are 90% cured. 2. My wife uses the Aloe Gel as a conditioner after shampoo and she says that it is the best conditioner she has used in her lifetime. Her dandruff problem has vanished 3. i will teach you one more secret of the aloe gel-we use aloe gel in some of our recipes like egg omellete etc.

1 comment:

  1. Irrespective of receiving daily oral or future injectable depot therapies, these require health care visits for medication and monitoring of safety and response. If patients are treated early enough, before a lot of immune system damage has occurred, life expectancy is close to normal, as long as they remain on successful treatment. However, when patients stop therapy, virus rebounds to high levels in most patients, sometimes associated with severe illness because i have gone through this and even an increased risk of death. The aim of “cure”is ongoing but i still do believe my government made millions of ARV drugs instead of finding a cure. for ongoing therapy and monitoring. ARV alone cannot cure HIV as among the cells that are infected are very long-living CD4 memory cells and possibly other cells that act as long-term reservoirs. HIV can hide in these cells without being detected by the body’s immune system. Therefore even when ART completely blocks subsequent rounds of infection of cells, reservoirs that have been infected before therapy initiation persist and from these reservoirs HIV rebounds if therapy is stopped. “Cure” could either mean an eradication cure, which means to completely rid the body of reservoir virus or a functional HIV cure, where HIV may remain in reservoir cells but rebound to high levels is prevented after therapy interruption.Dr Itua Herbal Medicine makes me believes there is a hope for people suffering from,Parkinson's disease,Schizophrenia,Cancer,Scoliosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity
    Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva.Fatal Familial Insomnia Factor V Leiden Mutation ,Epilepsy Dupuytren's disease,Desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor Diabetes ,Coeliac disease,Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease,Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Ataxia,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis,Alzheimer's disease,Adrenocortical carcinoma.Asthma,Allergic diseases.Hiv_ Aids,Herpes,Inflammatory bowel disease ,Copd,Diabetes,Hepatitis,I read about him online how he cure Tasha and Tara so i contacted him on even talked on whatsapps +2348149277967 believe me it was easy i drank his herbal medicine for two weeks and i was cured just like that isn't Dr Itua a wonder man? Yes he is! I thank him so much so i will advise if you are suffering from one of those diseases Pls do contact him he's a nice man.
